Environmental Permitting and Support

PolyScience Engineering Group specializes in pollution control permitting in accordance with the Clean Air Act (CAA) and Clean Water Act (CWA). We have the experience and expertise your company needs. Public Health is paramount in all our work.

Our pollution control permitting services cover a broad spectrum ranging from air permits including minor source and Title V permits to all manner of wastewater and stormwater permits including NPDES, POTW, SWPPP and SPCC plans, all conforming to state and federal law. We also do hazardous waste (RCRA) management permitting and auditing. We follow a strict code of ethics in providing all of our services. Our work is completed on time and properly documented in a professional manner.

Items listed in the Clean Air Act:

  1. Permits to Install (PTIs) and Permits to Operate (PTOs), as well as the newer PTIOs.
  2. Permit modifications and renewals.
  3. Emissions Inventories (TRI or SERC reporting).
  4. Implement and plan response scenarios for "Notice of Violation" letters (NOVs).
  5. Implementation of Federally Enforceable Operating Permits (FESOPs).
  6. Work mitigating Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS).
  7. Air toxics analysis and stack testing.
  8. Odor containment and mitigation strategies.
  9. Fee-based emission reporting via environmental website portals (ex., Ohio's eBiz website).
  10. New Source Reviews.
  11. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) analysis.
  12. MACT standards analysis & strategies.
  13. Emission Activities Category Forms.
  14. Area Source, minor source and Title V operating permits and audits.

Clean Water Act or Hazardous Waste Items:

  1. NPDES permit applications and renewals.
  2. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP).
  3. Spill Prevention Control & Counter Measures (SPCC) plans & certifications.
  4. Sludge management strategies.
  5. Solid Waste & Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA).
  6. Waste audits (hazardous and otherwise).
  7. Annual waste generator reporting (LQC, SQG, CESQG, universal waste, etc.).
  8. Pollution Prevention Plans.
  9. Waste characterization studies.
  10. Landfill characterization studies.
  11. TSCA reporting.
  12. Groundwater remediation studies.

For more information on our Environmental Permitting services, contact us today.